Category Archives: Administrative

Announcements and instructions from the organizers about THATCamp logistics.

Hello New Mexico!

New Mexico Humanities Council, in partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the New Mexico Technology Council, is planning a new THATCamp for January 14, 2017 at the National Hispanic Cultural Center!

The Central New Mexico THATCamp will be convening from 10 am – 5 pm in the Domenici Education Building of the NHCC, then gathering for a mixer at Fatpipe ABQ, from 7 – 10 pm.

We are asking for a $25 registration fee, which can be submitted through PayPal or paid at the door with cash or check. This will cover lunch and a t-shirt. However, no one will be turned away because they can’t afford the conference fee!

More details will be published here when we have them. Meanwhile, read more about the THATCamp movement and browse other THATCamps at